+61 419 338 473

Call for more information

PO Box 373

Ballan VIC 3342

Thurs: 6:30pm - 8pm

Ballan Mechanics Hall 

Email Me

Please fill out the form below to send me an email with any questions or to book a personal session. I currently run a beginner and advanced class at the Ballan Mechanics Institute Hall.


All classes have been cancelled due to the current health crisis. 

What no charge?

During these uncertain times any of us are stuck at home, forced for health and safety reasons to distance ourselves from one another.

My reason for setting up this website is to share tai chi with m students to keep them active and healthy and to gift these lessons to anyone who wants to take part.

I ask no fee, but like many people, my livelihood as a small business owner is not guaranteed. If you feel that these lessons benefit you and you are in a position to contribute to me by way of a donation, that would be greatly appreciated.